Wednesday WOD 1/13/16


Warm Up:

2 Rounds:
20 Lunges
10 Strict Press
20 Banded Side Shuffle
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Banded Good Mornings


CrossFit Total
Find a 1-rep Max for:
Back Squat
Strict Press

The CrossFit Total will test functional strength capacity, it is the sum of the best of THREE attempts at the Squat, the Press and the Deadlift.

The Rules
The lifts will be performed in the following order: squat, press, and then deadlift. The best single attempt for each of the three lifts is added together for the CrossFit Total score.

Your first declared attempt should be a weight you know you can do for a heavy set of three. The second attempt should be a weight you know without any doubt that you could do for a single, having just done the first attempt. Lastly, the third attempt is the weight you want to lift, based on your performance on the previous two attempts.

The Warm-Up
Your coach will lead you through a class warm-up as always, but the lift specific preparation is up to you. We recommend you use the lift structure listed below to get you warm and ready to achieve a new 1RM. The following percentages don’t have to be exact:
35% x 5
45% x 3
55% x 2
65% x 1
80% x 1
90% x 1
Then your first attempt

After the squat, rest for a couple minutes (long enough to recover, but not long enough to get cold) and follow the same warm-up for the press. The squat 1RM attempts will provide a serious central nervous system jolt and so it should be easier to prepare for the press. Following the press maxes, the deadlift preparation should again be slightly more condensed.