Tuesday WOD 4/10/18

Warm Up:

General Warm up
1 Round:

10 Dead Bugs
40ft Bear Crawl forward
40ft Bear Crawl backwords
25 Jumping Jacks
10 Inch Worms


2 Rounds:
10x DB Strict Press from the shoulder with both hands, then…

5x Isolated left
5x Isolated right


Push Press


HAM (Post WOD):
Take 60% of your best successful set of 5reps
For Time:
Push Press
Hand Release Push-Ups

Today’s workout is all about getting overhead with a heavy lift. Heavy is relative. Everyone should warm up and take the time to build up to around 75-80% of their best lift. The first set of 5reps starts when the weight you are lifting requires all of your focus and attention. The HAM will be a fun finisher. Have fun!