Thursday WOD 10/8/15


Warm Up:

Feet to Hands
Inch-Worm Push Ups
Pull Ups


CrossFit Team Series Event 3

Rx’d Workout
42-30-18 reps for time of:
Muscle-ups, with static deadlift hold
350-lb. partner deadlifts

Rx’d Standard
The 45-lb. barbell must be loaded with 135 lb. on one side and 170 lb. on the other side.

Scaled Workout
80-60-40 reps for time of of:
Hand-release push-ups, with static deadlift hold
270-lb. partner deadlifts

Scaled Standard
The 45-lb. barbell must be loaded with 90 lb. on one side and 135 lb. on the other side.


At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” one athlete may begin performing muscle-ups (push-ups for scaled). In order for the muscle-ups to count, coed partners (one man and one woman) must be holding the 350-lb. deadlift bar (270-lb. for scaled) in a static position at the waist. Teammates may rotate through the muscle-ups and deadlift static hold in any fashion until all muscle-ups have been completed. Each teammate must complete at least 1 muscle-up (or push-up) per round.

Next, the athletes complete coed partner deadlifts. There must always be one male and one female on the barbell. Once all the deadlifts have been completed, the team performs the remaining rounds in the same manner.

The team’s score is the total time to complete the workout. There is a time cap of 30 minutes. If your team did not complete the workout within the time cap, enter the number of reps you completed.