Thursday WOD 8/17/17

Warm Up:

2 Rounds:
40 ft Frankenstein Walk
10 Banded Side Steps (each direction)
10 OH Squats
10 Scorpions
10 Single Leg Deadlifts

Skill Work:

Burgener Warm-Up
Each movement of the Burgener Warm-Up is designed to help you become a better Olympic weightlifter.  Understanding that, you must realize that you cannot just go through the motions when performing this warm-up.  You should perform these movements perfectly to groove the movement patterns that will set you on your path to becoming an excellent weightlifter.
The six different exercises of the Burgener Warm-Up are: (1) the Down and Up; (2) Elbows High and Outside; (3) Muscle Snatch; (4) Snatch Land; (5) Snatch Drops; and (6) Hang Power Snatch.

Here’s an article that goes into why we do each portion of this warm up:


20 min EMOM:
Odd: 15/12 Calorie Row
Even: 2 Snatches – start at 50% of your 1RM and add 10/5 lbs each round