Thursday WOD 7/7/16


Warm Up:

Feet to Hands
Hollow Rocks
Goblet Squats
Kip Swings


“Bergeron Beep Test”
EMOM for as long as possible:
7 Thrusters (75/55)
7 Pull ups
7 Burpees

*Minimum Work requirement is 10 rounds. If you are unable to complete 10 rounds, rest as needed and continue until 10 rounds are completed.

The Bergeron Beep Test is one of the best tests of CrossFit-Specific conditioning and should be used as one of several tools to benchmark YOUR improvements throughout the year.  This is also an incredible test of mental toughness, as it is very easy to give up on this workout mentally before your body actually reaches failure. Basically this is a test of “Whatcha-got?” So… lets see whatcha-got.